This article was written in 2015. It might or it might not be outdated. And it could be that the layout breaks. If that’s the case please let me know.

But Vasilis…

There are many ways to create responsive layouts on the web. The most famous is, of course, using media queries. It gives you very fine control over how things look on the web. But there are situations where fine control is not necessary, unwanted, or even impossible. There are a few alternative ways to create highly responsive layouts. I was invited to talk about this at the fantastic Frontend Conference in Zürich. Here’s the video of the talk.

In this talk I explain why creating stuff for the web is better than creating stuff in real life. I tell a room full of Swiss designers how to use float to create active white-space. I explain that multi-column layouts are not just for lists, but can be used for long articles as well with just a few lines of CSS. I praise the fact that we have overflow:visible in CSS. I show some useless examples of switching layouts by abusing the target selector. I show some fantastic examples of the power of viewport relative units in combination with flexbox. And I show some useless and useful implementations of the so called quantity selectors.

You can find the slides of my talk here (WARNING: extreme amounts of MBs!). The slides don’t make much sense on their own. The examples I used and the sources I mention might make more sense though. So here’s that list, for you to play with.