This article was written in 2016. It might or it might not be outdated. And it could be that the layout breaks. If that’s the case please let me know.

Can we learn from other professions? Sure!

On the 27th of May, in the beautiful city of Leiden, I will be one of the speakers at the wonderfully eclectic GeeUp conference. I am very much looking forward to listening to all these fantastic speakers. There will be talks about some very, very interesting subjects: what about the legal side of writing code? And what does it mean to provide support for the code you wrote? There’s a talk about ethics and clients. There’s one about making sure your responsive design keeps working once it touches a CMS. A talk about things we can learn from other professions when it comes to responsive design — by yours truly. There’s a talk about automated testing. And there’s a talk about guerilla user testing.

There is room for one more talk, and Lodewijk Schutte would love to hear your ideas. I suggested there should be a talk about inclusive design. The idea that we can create exciting experiences that work for everyone. I think this is the coolest attribute of the web. I suggest you suggest the same topic.

If you think one day is not long enough, you’re lucky: there’s a whole day of workshops on the 26th. Go on, buy your tickets now. They’re cheap!